[Translate to Englisch:] Flagge der Europäischen Union

EU Asylum Policy - towards Reconstruction

Although last year’s crisis of EU asylum policy is not front-page news any longer, it’s legal foundations are currently being rearranged. Within this broader context, Daniel Thym has recently commented on the opinion of Advocate General Mengozzi that there should be an individual of refugees across the world to be admitted to the EU in an interview with the German weekly DER SPIEGEL and the corresponding ECJ judgment (in ZEIT ONLINE and German public television), on the legislative proposals of the Commission for the future EU asylum system in an article for the Common Market Law Review and a post to the Blog of the Odysseus Network and on cooperation with Northern African countries in expert opinions referred to in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung , the Zeit Online and the Süddeutsche Zeitung.