Repetition and Consolidation (WuV-StR)

The materials for the repetition and consolidation in criminal law in private, self-established, working groups have been completed. We have endeavoured to put together packages for you that cover the essential core questions of Criminal Law General Part, Special Part 1 and Special Part 2, each containing instructions with focus notes, definitions, structure notes and literature references, separately the case for your working group and the solutions as well as further reading. In the subfolders you will find six cases on Criminal Law General Part and five cases each on Criminal Law Special Part 1 and Special Part 2.

Niklas Blaschke will continue to supervise the project with Prof. Dr. Wörner for the next two years. Questions and suggestions to Mr Blaschke. Questions about the WG cases can be addressed to Prof. Dr. Wörner at any time.



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