
  • 05.05.2023
    Prof. Dr. Wörner gave the opening lecture at the conference Artificial Intelligence in Crime Control - Social and Legal Dimensions - at the TU Berlin under the title: "AI in Police and Crime Control - a call for a change of perspective: away from the hurdles, towards the possibilities".
  • 16.01.2023
    Prof. Dr. Wörner gave a lecture at the University of Salzburg at the invitation of colleague Prof. Dr. Kurt Schmoller entitled: "Contradictions in the protection of life under criminal law - thoughts on a consistent protection of life".
  • 17.11.2022
    Prof. Dr. Wörner will give a lecture in the series "New Faces of German Criminal Law Scholarship": Contradictions in the Protection of Life under Criminal Law?
    The Chinese-German Criminal Law Teachers Association (CDSV) and the Peking University of Law School are providing organisational support for the lecture series in 2022 (Dr. Zhiwei Tang and with critical appraisal by Prof. Dr. Makotot Tadaki (Chuo University/ Tokyo/Japan), among others).
  • 06.10.2022
    Prof. Dr. Wörner gives a lecture at the University of Oradea / Romania in honour of the award of an honorary doctorate to Prof. Dr Krisztina Karsai (University of Szeged/Hungary).
  • 28.06.2022
    Lecture by Prof. Dr. Wörner at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Henning Rosenau: "Nach § 217 StGB ist vor § 217 StGB? - Zur notwendigen Rechtssicherheit für ärztliches Handeln aus strafrechtlicher Sicht" at the University of Halle, interdisciplinary scientific centre MEDIZIN-ETHIK-RECHT. More information here.
  • 14.06.2022
    Lecture by Prof. Dr. Wörner about the law of pregnancy termination at the KfN Hannover.
  • 12.05.2022
    Lecture by Prof. Dr. Wörner as part of the conference „Das Strafrecht der alten Bundesrepublik (1949-1990): Der Besondere Teil des StGB“ hosted by Prof. Dr. Andreas Popp, Prof. Dr. Arnd Koch and Prof. Dr. Georg Steinberg. The program can be found here.
  • 10.05.2022

    Lecture by Prof. Dr. Wörner as part of the "Liechtensteiner Gespräche" about Commercial Criminal Law, hosted by Prof. Dr. Konstantina Papatanasiou. The program can be found here.

  • 27.04.2022
    Lecture by Prof. Dr. Wörner as part of the course Comparative Criminal Law and Procedure at the University of Istanbul about „Methods of Comparative Criminal Law - A Critical Analysis“ (Englisch), event in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Adem Sözüer (Istanbul) (see Link).
  • 30.03.2022
    Prof. Dr. Wörner is staying at the University of Coruna in Spain during 28.3.-1.4.2022. Next to research colloquiums, a lecture is taking place on Wednesday, 30.03.2022.
  • 21.03.2022
    Lecture by Prof. Dr. Wörner: "Leihmutterschaft oder triadische Mutterschaft", Salem Kolleg (see Link).
  • 08.02.2022
    Lecture by Prof. Dr. Wörner: "Nach § 217 StGB ist vor § 217 StGB? - Zur notwendigen Rechtssicherheit für ärztliches Handeln aus strafrechtlicher Sicht", Lecture as part of the Dienstagskolloquium Medizin-Ethik-Recht, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (see Link)
  • 25.11.2021
    Lecture by Prof. Dr. Wörner: "Das Werbeverbot in § 219a StGB" (Kriminologisches Forschungsinstitut KfN Hannover, see Link to the online-conference)
  • 09.10.2021
    Lecture by Prof. Dr. Wörner: Methodology of Comparative Criminal Law, Opening Lecture as part of the 2nd DIGICRIMJUS seminar about Digitalization, Criminal Law, Comparative Criminal Law in Göcek / Turkey
  • 24.09.2021
    Vortrag von Frau Prof. Wörner: „Die Umsetzung der Richtlinie EEA im deutschen Recht - Erwartungen, rechtliche Probleme und Lösungen“, wissenschaftlicher Vortrag als Teil des Capacity Building Seminars im Rahmen des EIO-LAPD Projekts unter Mitwirkung der Universität Göttingen
  • 21.09.2021
    Lecture by Prof. Dr. Wörner: "Die Mitverantwortung Forschender für Straftaten Dritter", lecture as part of the workshop IT security research and IT criminal law, University of Bochum (see Link)
  • 18.6.2021:
    Prof. Dr. Wörner takes part at the international workshop "DIGITAL EVIDENCE, INFORMATION SHARING AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN A GLOBAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE" from 17.-18.6.2021 and gives the lecture  „Balance the Unbalance - Cross-border exchange of information in criminal matters".
  • 7.2.2020:
    Speech by Prof. Dr. Wörner at the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Law: Ein „Urteil als Ehrentitel im Kampf für ein besseres Gesetz“ – Zur Strafbarkeit der Werbung für den Schwangerschaftsabbruch.
  • 23.-28.11.2019:
    Prof. Dr. Wörner and doctoral researcher Nicolai Preetz take part at the 9th International "Crime and Punishment" film festival "Justice in the Virtual World" with the lecture “The Cons of Darknet Criminal Law“ at the University of Istanbul/Turkey (Organisation: Prof. Dr. Adem Sözüer).
  • 22.-23.11.2019:
    Prof. Dr. Wörner takes part at the Munich Dialogue on judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters, workshop on the recognition and enforcement of court decisions in the European judicial area (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hau/PD Dr. Frank Zimmermann).
  • 18.-19.10.2019:
    Prof. Dr. Wörner and doctoral researcher Aleksandar Zivanic take part at the 12. EU-Criminal law-day in Bonn, Prof. Dr. Wörner with the lecture „Zur Zukunft der gegenseitigen Anerkennung“.
  • 22.9.-9.10.2019:

    Prof. Dr. Wörner stays in Japan for a research and teaching stay, mainly at the  Chuo University/Tokyo, Japan to the kind invitation of Prof. Dr. Makoto Tadaki with lectures at the Chuo University in Tokyo, at the Ryokoku University Kyoto (to invitation of Prof. Dr. Sangyun Kim and Prof. Sudo Hyon), at the Kansai University Osaka (to invitation of Prof. Dr. Yukako Sagawa) and at the Meiji University Tokyo (to invitation of Prof. Dr. Hirokazu Kawaguchi) as well as taking part at the symposium „Menschenwürde und Selbstbestimmung in der medizinischen Versorgung am Lebensende“ (5.-6.10.2019, Chuo Univ. Tokio). To the conference report: http://www.chuo-u.ac.jp/uploads/2019/10/1537_201910sympphotos4.pdf

    Link to the report of the symposium of Prof. Makato Tadaki: (https://www.chuo-u.ac.jp/uploads/2019/12/back_issue58.pdf?1576219832867).
  • 19.-21.9.2019:
    Prof. Dr. Wörner takes part at the 37th Conference of the Society for Comparative Law, Workgroup Comparative Criminal Law, with a contribution about the legal developments in the field of hate crime at EU level, https://www.uni-greifswald.de/universitaet/information/veranstaltungskalender/detail/n/37-tagung-fuer-rechtsvergleichung-gleichheit-50183/.
  • 1.-5.9.2019:
    Prof. Dr. Wörner takes part at the 7th German-Taiwanese Criminal Law Forum "Digitalization and Criminal Law in Taipeh/Taiwan with a lecture about criminal responsibility of autonomous vehicle programmers.
  • 11.-13.10.2018
    PD Dr. Wörner takes part at the German-Japanese-Turkish Law Symposium at the University of Halle hosted by Prof. Dr. Henning Rosenau (University of Halle) and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Philip Kunig with the lecture „Richterliche Unabhängigkeit im modernen Strafprozess als Herausforderung für den Rechtsstaat“ teilgenommen. - See Poster and Link .
  • 14.-15.09.2018
    PD Dr. Wörner takes part at the workshop „Constitutional Criminal Law“  hosted by Prof. Dr. Christoph Burchard (Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.) and Prof. Dr. Malcom Thorburn (University of Toronto) with the lecture "Necessity as Justification, Reasonableness, and Proportionality by way of Policing – A Comment on François Tanguay-RenaudPolicing Necessity". - Conference poster.