Ongoing Debates about a German ‘Immigration Act’

October 2017

Ever since the winter of 2015/16, immigration and asylum have been one of the hottest political topics in Germany. Corresponding rules and policies played a prominent role in the election campaign, in which several parties called for the adoption of an ‘Immigration Act’ (Éinwanderungsgesetz) with new rules on economic migration. In several contributions, Daniel Thym discusses the opportunities and pitfalls of such an immigration act, including the potential of a German ‘points system’, the linkage between economic migration and asylum and the impact of EU legislation (all in German). The central argument can be found in a contribution to the Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht consisting of two parts (here, the second will be published shortly) and an essay in a collection published by the Bertelsmann foundation. A practical example is the situation in the German health sector, discussed in an interview with the Radio Bavaria (in German).