
Prof. Dr. Jochen Glöckner


Titles in a rough convenience translation Full titles
1. Application of the rules on joint and several liability to debtors with differing obligations Gesamtschuldvorschriften und Schuldnermehrheiten bei unterschiedlichen Leistungsinhalten. Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung konkurrierender Verbindlichkeiten aus bauvertraglicher Gewährleistung, Baden-Baden 1997, ISBN 3-7890-4895-X. Dissertation thesis. Freiburg 1996. Reviewed by Vygen, BauR aktuell 1998, 1287; Ganten, DZWIR 2000, 41 ff.
2. European Law of Unfair Competition Law. Europäisches Lauterkeitsrecht, 2006, ISBN 3-406-54286-7. Reviewed by Riesenhuber, ZUM 2007, 511; Ullmann, GRUR 2007, 402, addendum at 858; Vida, Magyar Log, 2007, 127; Fock, Mitt. 2008, 94. Further discussion in an essay by Ohly, Bausteine eines europäischen Lauterkeitsrechts, WRP 2008, 177 ff.

Commentary on Construction Law

Co-edited with Henning von Berg, Fachanwaltskommentar Bau- und Architektenrecht, Köln 2011, ISBN 978-3-8041-1831-7.

- 2nd ed., 2015, ISBN 978-3-8041-1843-0.


Competition Law: Law Against Restraints of Competition

Kartellrecht. Recht gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen, Stuttgart 2011, ISBN 978-3-17-020950-3.

- 2nd ed., 2017, ISBN 978-3-17-032157-1.


Handbook on private Construction Law

Co-edited with Nils Kleine-Möller/Heinrich Merl, Handbuch des privaten Baurechts, 5th ed., Munich 2014, ISBN 978-3-406-64953-0.
6. Market communication between Intellectual Property and ConsumerProtection, liber amicorum for Karl-Heinz Fezer in celebration of his 70th birthday Co-edited with Wolfgang Büscher, Axel Nordemann, Christian Osterrieth and Rudolf Rengier, Marktkommunikation zwischen Geistigem Eigentum und Verbraucherschutz. Festschrift für Karl-Heinz Fezer zum 70. Geburtstag, München 2016, ISBN 978-3-406-69210-9.
7. Legal prerequisites of functioning markets and forms of dispute resolution in China and Europe Co-edited with Reinhard Singer, Astrid Stadler und Xujun Gao, Rechtliche Funktionsbedingungen von Märkten und Formen der Konfliktbeilegung in China und Europa, Frankfurt 2017, ISBN 978-3-631-71570-3.

Contributions to collections and commentaries

Titles in a rough convenience translation Full titles
1. Commentary on the Swiss Act on Unfair Competition. Co-author to Carl Baudenbacher, Lauterkeitsrecht. Kommentar zum Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb (UWG), Basel/Genf/München/St.Gallen/Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-7190-1880-6, commentaries on Art. 3 lit. a - c (p. 234 - 409), Art. 3 lit. e - 4 (p. 468 - 713), Art. 6, 7 (p. 746 - 787), Art. 9 (p. 821 - 952), Art. 11 - 29 (p. 978 - 1162). Reviewed by Beater, JZ 2001, 756.
2. Commentary on the  International and European Unfair Competition Law, the conflicts-of-laws on unfair competition, and International Procedural Law.

UWG. Kommentar, Henning Harte-Bavendamm/Frauke Henning-Bodewig (eds.), München 2004, ISBN 3-406-51662-9, Erläuterungen zum internationalen und Europäischen Lauterkeitsrecht, zum Lauterkeitskollisionsrecht sowie zum Internationalen Zivilprozessrecht

- 2nd ed., 2009, Preface, Introduction B, C, D, p. 25 – 33; 58 – 274).

- 3rd ed., 2013, Introduction B, C, D, E (p. 48 - 253).

- 4th ed., 2016, Introduction B, C, D, E (p. 55 - 272).

3. Commentary on the freedom of services under Art. 56 TFEU.

Münchener Kommentar zum Lauterkeitsrecht, Bd. I, 2006, ISBN 3-406-54280-8, EG C (S. 598 – 632), Erläuterungen zur Dienstleistungsfreiheit, Art. 49 EG.

- 2nd ed., 2014, Dienstleistungsfreiheit und Lauterkeitsrecht, Einl EG C (p. 483 - 518).

4. European Unfair Competition Law.

Europäisches Lauterkeitsrecht, in: Reiner Schulze, Manfred Zuleeg (Eds.), Europarecht, Handbuch für die deutsche Rechtspraxis, München, 2006, ISBN 3-8329-1334-3, § 17 (S. 570 – 625).

– 2nd ed., 2010.

- 3rd ed., 2015 ( p. 724 - 818).

5. Keyword "Competition Law” for an encyclopedia of Economics. Stichwort „Wettbewerbsrecht“ in: Handwörterbuch der Betriebswirtschaft (HWB), Series: Enzyklopädie der Betriebswirtschaftslehre (EdBWL), Richard Köhler, Hans-Ulrich Küpper, Andreas Pfingsten (Eds.), 6th edition, 2007, ISBN: 3-7910-8051-2 or 978-3-7910-8051-2.
6. Keyword "Competition Law” for an encyclopedia of Economics. Stichwort „Wettbewerbsrecht“ in: Wirtschaftslexikon, Das Wissen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 2006, ISBN-13: 978-3-7910-2612-1, ISBN-10: 3-7910-2600-3 (Bd. 12, S. 6277 -6286; same content as Nr.5 above.); online access under
7. Real Estate Development, in Handbook on Private Construction Law.

Bauträgerrecht, in: Kleine-Möller/Merl (Eds.), Handbuch des privaten Baurechts, 4th ed., 2009, ISBN 978-3-406-58942-3, S. 158 – 238.

- 5th ed., 2014 (p. 158 - 251).

8. Commentaries on various provisions in the German Civil Code (GCC) relating to construction contracts.

Introduction II (p. 5 – 17); Introduction IV, V (p. 23 – 43); commentary on § 275 GCC (p. 321 – 347); §§ 280 – 304 GCC (p. 368 – 470); § 311a GCC (p. 570 – 579); § 313 GCC (p. 600 – 617); §§ 320 – 326 GCC (p. 618 – 647); §§ 420 – 426 GCC (p. 681 – 716); § 634 GCC (p. 918 – 936); § 636 GCC (p. 977 – 982); § 638 GCC (p. 1001 – 1011); § 644 GCC (p. 1085 -1089); § 651 GCC (p. 1166 – 1180); § 7 VOB/B (p. 1400 – 1406); § 8 Abs. 1, 3 – 7 VOB/B (p. 1406 – 1410, 1419 – 1429), in: Glöckner/v. Berg, Bau- und Architektenrecht. Kommentar,

- 2nd ed., 2015.

9. Commentaries on the German provisions on comparative advertising.

Commentaries on § 6 Act against Unfair Competition (Comparative Advertising), in: Großkommentare der Praxis, UWG, vol. 2, Teplitzky/Peifer/Leistner (eds.),

- 2nd ed., 2013, p. 1157 – 1371.

10. The architect's copyright. Das Architektenurheberrecht, in: Beck’scher HOAI- und Architektenrechtskommentar, Fuchs/Berger/Seifert (eds.), 2016, Syst H, p. 583 – 638.
11. The architect in legal disputes with cross-border dimensions. Der Architekt in Rechtsstreitigkeiten mit Auslandsberührung, in: Beck’scher HOAI- und Architektenrechtskommentar, Fuchs/Berger/Seifert (eds.), 2016, Syst I, p. 639 – 684.

Selected Articles, in other languages than German only

1. Think Big! Some Remarks on the European Commission's Green Paper on Consumer Protection against Unfair Trade Practices and the Proposal for a Regulation Concerning Sales Promotions in the Internal Market, ELR 2002, 42 - 51.
2. The Law of Unfair Competition and the EC Treaty, in: Law Against Unfair Competition. Towards a New Paradigm in Europe ?, Reto M. Hilty, Frauke Henning-Bodewig (Eds.), 2007, p. 77 – 99.
3. The ECJ’s Case Law on Unfair Competition, in: Law Against Unfair Competition. Towards a New Paradigm in Europe ?, Reto M. Hilty, Frauke Henning-Bodewig (Eds.), 2007, p. 101 – 109.
4. La attuazione in legge nazionale della direttiva su taluni aspetti della vendita dei beni di consumo in Germania e la sua concretizzazione nella giurisprudenza, in: I processi di armonizzazione nel diritto privato europeo. Riflessi e colloqui su talune recenti tendenze nel sistemo tedesco. Auf dem Weg zu einem europäischen Vertragsrecht. Überlegungen und Umsetzungsansätze am Beispiel der aktuellen Änderungen des deutschen Rechtssystems, a cura di Paolo Pollice/Lucilla Gatt, 2008, p. 323 – 341.
5. Co-authoring with Lisa V. Bruttel, Predatory Pricing and Recoupment under EC Competition Law – Per-se rules, Underlying Assumptions and the Reality: Results of an Experimental Study, [2010] E.C.L.R. 423 - 438.
6. The Scope of Application of the UCP Directive – „I Know What  You Did Last Summer“, [2010] IIC 570 - 592.
7. The Regulatory Framework for Comparative Advertising in Europe – Time for a New Round of Harmonization!, [2012] IIC 35 - 67.
8. Unfair Trading Practices in the Supply Chain and the Co-Ordination of European Contract, Competition and Unfair Competition Law, GRUR Int. 2016, 1106 – 1120.
8a. Unfair Trading Practices in the Supply Chain and the Co-Ordination of European Contract, Competition and Unfair Competition Law, 12 (5) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 416 - 434 (2017), <> (largely in parallel with 8).
9. “Par Condicio Concurrentium” – Equal Treatment in Competition as a Fundamental Principle of Market Economies, in: Rechtliche Funktionsbedingungen von Märkten und Formen der Konfliktbeilegung in China und Europa, Glöckner/Singer/Stadler/Gao (eds.), 2017, p. 43 – 56.