The Konstanz Repositories on Crime and Sanctioning (Overview)

The Konstanz Repository on Research in Sanction (KIS)

In recent years a greater number of special evaluations of published and unpublished data on the structure and trends in sanctioning in Germany have been submitted under the label „Konstanzer Inventar Sanktionsforschung (KIS)“. These evaluations were published in a framework of single diagrams and overview charts. By providing updated information the lead article “Penal system of sanctions and sanctioning in Germany” shall allow easy access to the benefits of this work and be complemented by further diagrams.

The Konstanz Repository on Crime Trends in Germany (KIK)

Accompanying the “Konstanzer Inventar Sanktionsforschung (KIS)” the “Konstanzer Inventar Kriminalitätsentwicklung (KIK)” is being build up. It provides statistically and graphically processed data on the development of the officially registered criminality based on Police Crime Statistics and on Court Statistics of Persons Judged (Prosecution Statistics).