Ausgewählte Forschungsprojekte

Fundstellenverzeichnis: Urteile und Entscheidungen des EGMR in deutscher Sprache

Die Webseite verfolgt das Ziel, der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte (EGMR) im deutschsprachigen Raum größere Beachtung zu verschaffen. Hierfür werden juristische Fachzeitschriften laufend auf Übersetzungen von EGMR-Urteilen und -Entscheidungen in deutscher Sprache hin durchgesehen. Um die Zitierfähigkeit zu gewährleisten, werden nur wörtliche Übersetzungen (auch auszugsweise), nicht hingegen freie Zusammenfassungen berücksichtigt. Ein Register führt die Fundstellen in alphabetischer sowie chronologischer Reihenfolge auf. Insgesamt soll hierdurch eine verstärkte Auseinandersetzung mit der Judikatur des EGMR in Rechtsprechung und Wissenschaft ermöglicht und gefördert werden.

The Council of Europe

Its Law and Policies

The Council of Europe, of which all European States are members, plays a pivotal role in the promotion and protection of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in Europe. Bringing together specialist scholars and practitioners, The Council of Europe: Its Laws and Policies offers profound insights into the functioning of the organization. The organization's primary and secondary law, its institutional structure, and its far-reaching fields of activities are comprehensively and systematically analyzed. This volume investigates the impact of the Council's activities within the national legal systems of the Member States and the dense web of relationships between the Council of Europe and other international organizations. An important reference work on one of the most influential organizations in Europe, the book concludes that the Council of Europe has played a considerable role in the constitutionalization process of regional public international law.

Principled Resistance to ECtHR Judgments - A New Paradigm?

The book analyses the position of the ECtHR which has been more and more confronted with criticism coming from the national sphere, including the judiciary. This culminated in constitutional court judgments declaring a particular ECtHR judgment non-executable, for reasons of constitutional law. Existing scholarship does not differentiate enough between cases of mere political unwillingness to execute an ECtHR judgment and cases where execution is blocked for legal reasons (mainly of constitutional law nature). At the same time, the discussion under EU law on national/constitutional identity limiting the reach of the former has been only loosely linked with the ECHR context. This book presents a new dogmatic concept - 'principled resistance' - to analyse such cases. Taking up examples from the national level, it strives to find out whether the legal reasoning behind 'principled resistance' shows enough commonalities in order to qualify such incidents as expression of a 'new paradigm'.